Sunday, April 8, 2012

April Week 1 Checkin

I had a great Easter weekend.  I now wish that I had taken Friday off so that I could have had a longer week.  On Saturday, we took the kids Easter egg hunting.  We all had a great time.  On Sunday we went to church which was good...and of course we had great Easter food.

1) Finish my Daughters room & Finish the project from work- I didn't do anything in her room.  I plan on putting up the wall decal this weekend; after that is done then I can work on the other design ideas (the decal is a driving force for all the other designs so that needs to be up before I can move forward). I was very busy with other projects so I didn't get tp do much for that particular project.

2)Declutter for 2 hours a week- I didn't reach my goal of 2 hours but I did get some stuff done.  I was able to get rid of alot of baby equipment we no longer need and I have a nice pile of stuff arrange to give to Salvation army.  I just need to call them to schedule a pick up.

3)Work on being a better wife & reading " A wife after God's own heart"- During the week I made efforts to be nicer, volunteering to do stuff to help him out.  I still have moments of snappy comments but I was much better.  I started reading the book but probably only read 5 pages.

I hope everyone had a great Easter and made strides towards their goals.

Monday, April 2, 2012

March Wrap Up & April Goals

Spring is here...I am so excited for the great weather in Texas.  March wasn't as sucessful as I anticpated ("hang heads in shame")..but it was not my fault.

1) Finish my Daughters room-I would say that I am 50% complete.  I wasn't able to put up the decal which will determine alot of other design choices.  I have to wait 3 weeks after painting.  I will put up the decal the second week of April.

2)Finish a project at work- I didn't receive the information that was needed until a week I just got started.

3)Declutter for an hour every Thursday- For the past two weeks I was able to accomplish this goal.  I do have alot more declutting to this will be a goal for April.

April Goals

1) Finish my Daughters room & Finish the project from work
2)Declutter for 2 hours a week
3)Work on being a better wife & reading " A wife after God's own heart"

I know it is more like 4 goals..but since I have an head start on finishing my Daughter's room I should be able to do it.


Monday, March 12, 2012

March - Week 1 update

1) Finish Decorating and Organizing my Daughters room- I have made small progress...but progress is progress.  I have organzied the changing table..packed up some of her old clothes..organized some of her dresser drawers.  For the upcoming week I plan on decorating the nursery letters, organized her closet and purchase curtains.  I might have a hold up on putting up the decal this month.  The manufacture recommends waiting 3-4 weeks after painting..So that might have to wait until next month.

2)Finish a project at work-I haven't made any progress on this.  I am waiting on some information from someone else to get started.

3)Declutter for an hour on Thursday- I haven't made progress in this area. I was up early on Thursday but decided to go to the gym.  I gain .8lbs last week at my weight -in and I wanted to ensure that I didn't have a gain this week. Hopefully,  I will be able to work on this goal this week.

How did everyone else do?  I hope everyone is making great progress towards their goals.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Goals

I am excited for the beginning of a new month.  The weather is usually beautiful in Texas.  I hope to take advantage of the great weather..taking the kids for walks to the park and hopefully riding my bike with the hubby.  We haven't rode our bikes in 6 yrs!  So hopefully this will be the year that changes that.  I am also excited for another month to try and reach my goals...yeah.

March Goals

1) Finish Decorating and Organizing my Daughters room...I have lots of great decoring ideas (IMO) and now I just need to get cracking.  I will post pics of the finished project..(see how I have already claimed victory...the room will be finished this month).

2)Finish a documentation project at work.

3)Declutter for an hour every Thursday morning.

I am excited to read about everyones goals for March.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Feb..Week 1 Update

The first week of February is here.  I did a Valentine's day project with my kids where we made Valentines Day cards.   I was suppose to mail it to an organization that send cards to sick kids.  Of course, I missed the deadline...Booooo on my part.  But instead of purchasing cards (like I did last year) I will just give them to their classmates, along with heart shape sugar cookies.  I am so excited to make cookies with the kiddos.  I did it for the first time at Christmas ( it was great, well at least for me it was).  Well, let me get to how I did this week.   

1)Finish organizing my closet   Declutter 15 minutes a day.  I decided to change my first goal on Wednesday.  The flylady's habit  for February is to declutter for 15 minutes a day.  So I thought it was a great fit for my 2012 organization goals.  I should have done around 3 hrs of decluttering this week.  Honestly, I didn't get anything done. My goal is to get started this week!

2)Attend church every Sunday- Yeah...we made it.  I was so tired this morning..and it was quite cold in Texas. I hate the cold so I just wanted to stay home and relax.  But we made it! Yeah!  (well maybe in my mind because I saw alot of people at church without jackets or coats).  

3)No TV on Monday or Wednesday- Well as I stated before I worked long hours this week.  So when I came home I just wanted to veg out on the couch.

How did everyone do?  I hope everyone has a great Superbowl Sunday.  We are off to a party...very excited it has been two years since we have been to a Superbowl party.  I am a bit worried about how the kids will behave...let us hope they are on there best behavior.  

Saturday, January 28, 2012

January Round-up & February Goals

At the end of each month I always wonder where the time went.  I feel like the month ended before it even began.  So let me cut to the chase on how I did this month. 

1) Make it to the lab by 9am...and focus focus focus- I usually didn't make it to the lab until around 10.  I did improve my focus by limiting my distractions.  So I give myself a C.

2)Make it to church every Sunday-made it to church twice...which is better than I have been doing.  I also give myself a C for this goal.

3)No TV on Monday or Wednesday-I was able to accomplish this except for last week.  For this goal I would give myself a C+/B.

 For the last week I have been feeling very stressed.  So for the February goals I am considering just taking it easy.  Making goals that help me to relax and focus on me or just not make any goals at all.  But then I remember that I am a wife and mother and can't do that.  A few of my major goals for 2012 are to get my house organized, reconnect with God, and reconnect with my husband.  I think if I can accomplish these goals I will make a better wife and mother.  So I am going to go for it...I am going to set goals that will help me reach the big goals.

So here are my February goals, 
1)Finish organizing my closet  Declutter 15 minutes aday
2)Attend church every Sunday
3)No TV on Monday or Wednesday- After kids go to sleep I will read and write in my diary/journal.  I have two books that I would like to read this month...1) Even Good Girls get mad at God 2)Simply organized .

How did everyone do this month?  What are your goals for February.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jan Week 2 Status Update

Hello 3in30 Community...time to let everyone know how I did..

1) I give myself a C minus.  I did not make it to the lab by 9:00am.  I will work on  improving this for week 3.

2)We made it to church this week and last week! feels great going to church.  I was so tempted to stay home today...I over slept and was SO tired (I think my allergies are acting up) but I pushed myself and we made it.

3)I  met this goal! I did not watch tv on Mon. or Wed.  Now what did I do with that extra 45 mins I couldn't tell you.  I still have a long list of todo's.  I will keep track next week so I can see where the time is going.

How did everyone do last week? 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jan 2012 Goals

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2011 was a good year.  I am excited for the new year.  Here are my goals for January.

1) I am eyeing a I need to step up my game at work.  So my first goal is to get to work by 8:15, get in the lab by 9am, and focus, focus, focus.

2)Make it to church every SUNDAY.

3)No watching TV on Monday & Wednesday nights.  I can use the 45-60 mins to work on other goals I am trying to attain.