Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jan 2012 Goals

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2011 was a good year.  I am excited for the new year.  Here are my goals for January.

1) I am eyeing a I need to step up my game at work.  So my first goal is to get to work by 8:15, get in the lab by 9am, and focus, focus, focus.

2)Make it to church every SUNDAY.

3)No watching TV on Monday & Wednesday nights.  I can use the 45-60 mins to work on other goals I am trying to attain.


  1. Great goals! TV is definitely a time killer. I need to say no when hubby wants me to start watching yet another new series!

  2. Good Luck with the promotion! Those really are great goals. If I could I'd gladly get rid of our tv all together but it's the husbands 'thing' so I sit here and pretend that we are having time together ;)

  3. I love your determination. You go girl! Keep your eye on the prize...good luck!

  4. You have some great goals set!!! Good luck with the promotion!!! Can't wait to see what this year will bring for you!!!
