Friday, September 30, 2011

September 3n30 Challenge Update

Were did the month go!! Time to see how I did this month

Sept Goals
1) Go to the gym 4x a week- Grade F (FAIL)...I think I made it to the gym 4 times for the month

2)Log what I eat-Grade C-...started out good but didn't finish strong

3)Finish reading " Trusting God when life hurts"- Grade F...I didn't even finish a chapter

Why did I do so poorly..I have no excuse so I am not even going to try and make one up!!  I am not discouraged!! I will try harder next month

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hello World

This is my first blog entry...I decided to start a blog because I found this group 3n30Challenge (that I think will be very helpful with achieving my goals) but it seems to be really connected to the group I needed a here I am...trying to get the hang of the blogging world.  My goal is to have a decent blog in time for the October goals..wish me luck