Sunday, April 8, 2012

April Week 1 Checkin

I had a great Easter weekend.  I now wish that I had taken Friday off so that I could have had a longer week.  On Saturday, we took the kids Easter egg hunting.  We all had a great time.  On Sunday we went to church which was good...and of course we had great Easter food.

1) Finish my Daughters room & Finish the project from work- I didn't do anything in her room.  I plan on putting up the wall decal this weekend; after that is done then I can work on the other design ideas (the decal is a driving force for all the other designs so that needs to be up before I can move forward). I was very busy with other projects so I didn't get tp do much for that particular project.

2)Declutter for 2 hours a week- I didn't reach my goal of 2 hours but I did get some stuff done.  I was able to get rid of alot of baby equipment we no longer need and I have a nice pile of stuff arrange to give to Salvation army.  I just need to call them to schedule a pick up.

3)Work on being a better wife & reading " A wife after God's own heart"- During the week I made efforts to be nicer, volunteering to do stuff to help him out.  I still have moments of snappy comments but I was much better.  I started reading the book but probably only read 5 pages.

I hope everyone had a great Easter and made strides towards their goals.

Monday, April 2, 2012

March Wrap Up & April Goals

Spring is here...I am so excited for the great weather in Texas.  March wasn't as sucessful as I anticpated ("hang heads in shame")..but it was not my fault.

1) Finish my Daughters room-I would say that I am 50% complete.  I wasn't able to put up the decal which will determine alot of other design choices.  I have to wait 3 weeks after painting.  I will put up the decal the second week of April.

2)Finish a project at work- I didn't receive the information that was needed until a week I just got started.

3)Declutter for an hour every Thursday- For the past two weeks I was able to accomplish this goal.  I do have alot more declutting to this will be a goal for April.

April Goals

1) Finish my Daughters room & Finish the project from work
2)Declutter for 2 hours a week
3)Work on being a better wife & reading " A wife after God's own heart"

I know it is more like 4 goals..but since I have an head start on finishing my Daughter's room I should be able to do it.
