Saturday, October 29, 2011

3in30 Challenge

I am not sure if it is old age but time sure is flying by.  I can't believe that we have two more months in 2011!  Unfortunately, I didn't do as great as I wanted to this month.  I started off great but didn't keep the momentum going. 

1) Go to bed at 9 pm, wake up at 5:30 am- Not that I am making any excuses but my daughters irregular sleeping habits is the culprit for not achieving this goal.  I need my sleep or else I am just too tired to wake up so early.  I have a plan to conquer this goal next month.

2)Go to the gym 4 times a week- Failure to accomplish goal 1 resulting in failure of goal 2.  Lame excuse, I know.  I could have gone to the gym after work or after I put the kids to bed.

3)Be a more efficient worker- This is a work in progress.  I want to improve more.  With the down economy I need to be a raising star.  I will continue to work on this on.e

I actually have alot more to write about but I will try and blog during the week.  I just want to make sure I don't miss this week linkup.  If I don't do it now then it is very likely it won't get done by Monday.

So here are my November goals...1)Go to bed at 9 pm, wake up at 5:30 am 2)Lose 4 pounds (not sure this is a smart goal with Thanksgiving coming up but I need to get on the ball  3)not sure what it will be...need to think about this some more.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 3n30 Challenge:Week 2

Well it is time to tell everyone how I did this week.  This week was not as great as last week unfortunately.   Drum roll...let us see how I did.

1)  Go to bed at 9 pm, wake up at 5:30 am- I was very successful in going to bed between 9-9:30 except for Wednesday night but I was still able to get up at 5:30am.  I give myself an A for the first part of goal 1.  I was unable to wake up at 5:30 am on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.  Failure to attain this part of the goal is not my fault so I don't feel guilty.  I am bummed out about not doing it however.  My daughter for some reason has been waking up at night.  On Monday morning she woke up around 2 am.  After staying up with her for at least an hour,  I am then too tired to wake up at 5:30 am.  I really hope this is not her new sleep routine.

2)Go to the gym 4 times a week- So of course because I didn't wake up at 5:30am most mornings I did not make it to the gym four times.  I did make it two times (which is insignificant considering I want to lose 25 pounds).  I am going to try and go five to six times the upcoming week.         

3)Be a more efficient worker- Again due to my lack of sleep it was very hard to attain most of these goals.  I missed the Tuesday meeting but did make it to the Thursday meeting.  As always limiting the distractions is very difficult, however I do think I have made progress in this area.  

On another note how has your Saturday been?  I must say that today I was very frustrated with myself.  I live in a constant state of CHAOS( cannot have anyone over syndrome)I found a wonderful help guide  I have been on step one for the last two weeks (shining your sink, which I didn't do last night).  For the life of me it just seems I cannot get it together.  It is as if I am doom to a life of CHAOS.  I refuse to believe that I can't have a clean and organized house.  I am determined to keep trying until I get it right.  It is possible to work a full-time job, have two young children, and run a clean and orderly household.  I believe it is possible.  I just haven't gotten the right formula yet.  I will keep trying.  As Thomas Edison said (I think it was him)..." I haven't failed I just found a thousand ways that didn't work."           

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 3n30 Challenge:Week 1

Woohoo!! I had a great week!  I am very pleased to report my progress.

1) Go to bed @9 am, wake up at 5:30--I did this Monday-Friday...yeah for me!

2)Go to the gym 4 times a week- check again!...going to the gym today was REALLY hard but I thought about having to do the linkup and that really help me. 

3)I want to be a more efficient work
3a) getting to work at 8:30...I still need to work on this one...
3b)making it to the Tuesday and Thursday meeting-so far so good
3c)Staying focus...this is a hard one for me, I am easily distracted and it seems that it is a conspiracy, as soon as I start a project...distractions, distractions, distractions.....

I am very happy with my accomplishments this week...lets hope I can keep my mojo...

On another note,  I really need to spice up this blog.  I am not much of a writer (engineer by trade)
but it is soooo boring...I will try to work on this in my spare time (might be a while with 2 young kids I rarely every have any spare time).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October goals for 3n30 Challenge

I have so many goals that often I can't choose which ones to tackle.  To help in the decision making I decided to focus on goals that will help me with my BIG Goals a few of which are to live a healthy lifestyle and run an organized here are my goals for October

1) Go to the bed between 9-9:30pm, wake up @ 4:30 am- this should help get things done around the house and go to the gym while everyone is sleeping.
2) Go to the gym 4x weeks
3) To be more productive at work
     3a) Get to work by 8:30 am
     3b)Attend Tues & Thur meetings
     3c)Limit Distractions