Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 3n30 Challenge:Week 2

Well it is time to tell everyone how I did this week.  This week was not as great as last week unfortunately.   Drum roll...let us see how I did.

1)  Go to bed at 9 pm, wake up at 5:30 am- I was very successful in going to bed between 9-9:30 except for Wednesday night but I was still able to get up at 5:30am.  I give myself an A for the first part of goal 1.  I was unable to wake up at 5:30 am on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.  Failure to attain this part of the goal is not my fault so I don't feel guilty.  I am bummed out about not doing it however.  My daughter for some reason has been waking up at night.  On Monday morning she woke up around 2 am.  After staying up with her for at least an hour,  I am then too tired to wake up at 5:30 am.  I really hope this is not her new sleep routine.

2)Go to the gym 4 times a week- So of course because I didn't wake up at 5:30am most mornings I did not make it to the gym four times.  I did make it two times (which is insignificant considering I want to lose 25 pounds).  I am going to try and go five to six times the upcoming week.         

3)Be a more efficient worker- Again due to my lack of sleep it was very hard to attain most of these goals.  I missed the Tuesday meeting but did make it to the Thursday meeting.  As always limiting the distractions is very difficult, however I do think I have made progress in this area.  

On another note how has your Saturday been?  I must say that today I was very frustrated with myself.  I live in a constant state of CHAOS( cannot have anyone over syndrome)I found a wonderful help guide  I have been on step one for the last two weeks (shining your sink, which I didn't do last night).  For the life of me it just seems I cannot get it together.  It is as if I am doom to a life of CHAOS.  I refuse to believe that I can't have a clean and organized house.  I am determined to keep trying until I get it right.  It is possible to work a full-time job, have two young children, and run a clean and orderly household.  I believe it is possible.  I just haven't gotten the right formula yet.  I will keep trying.  As Thomas Edison said (I think it was him)..." I haven't failed I just found a thousand ways that didn't work."           

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness... CHAOS!!
    I live there!

    Although - one sure fire way to have your house not QUITE as much a disaster?
    Plant a church and have weekly services IN YOUR LIVING room.


    There is always still the normal two kids5 and under paraphernalia, but everything at least a bit more manageable...

    Anyway-- I can relate.

    Good luck with using flylady! I know lots of people who swear by it!!'
