Saturday, October 29, 2011

3in30 Challenge

I am not sure if it is old age but time sure is flying by.  I can't believe that we have two more months in 2011!  Unfortunately, I didn't do as great as I wanted to this month.  I started off great but didn't keep the momentum going. 

1) Go to bed at 9 pm, wake up at 5:30 am- Not that I am making any excuses but my daughters irregular sleeping habits is the culprit for not achieving this goal.  I need my sleep or else I am just too tired to wake up so early.  I have a plan to conquer this goal next month.

2)Go to the gym 4 times a week- Failure to accomplish goal 1 resulting in failure of goal 2.  Lame excuse, I know.  I could have gone to the gym after work or after I put the kids to bed.

3)Be a more efficient worker- This is a work in progress.  I want to improve more.  With the down economy I need to be a raising star.  I will continue to work on this on.e

I actually have alot more to write about but I will try and blog during the week.  I just want to make sure I don't miss this week linkup.  If I don't do it now then it is very likely it won't get done by Monday.

So here are my November goals...1)Go to bed at 9 pm, wake up at 5:30 am 2)Lose 4 pounds (not sure this is a smart goal with Thanksgiving coming up but I need to get on the ball  3)not sure what it will be...need to think about this some more.


  1. Hey --- in bed by 9:30 is one of my goals!! Oh -- you said 9pm. I will be thinking of you!! :)

    And I am trying to lose weight too...
    Good luck and I hope you have a great month!!

  2. Good goals! I'm trying to lose some lbs too! Yep, right before Thanksgiving, but it can be done!

  3. Thanks Ladies!! I am going to keep trying till I get it!

  4. Best wishes on your goals. I'm cheering you on!
