Monday, November 21, 2011

3in30 Challenge-Nov Week 3

Well the week didn't start out great.  My daughter had strep throat and I think she gave it to me.  I was sick over the weekend and the beginning of the week.  So here is how I did.

1)Going to bed at 9pm, waking up at 5:30- I mostly slept in because I was sick.  I did wake up early Wed-Friday.

2)Losing 4 pounds- Well I weighted in on Monday (I started weight watchers) and I lost 3lbs!  Well my husband reminded me that it was probably because I was sick.  I did make it to the gym Wed-Friday so that should help alot.  I didn't do good with watching what I eat.  I think this part will take some time because I have a serious love affair with all foods that are unhealthy (chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, alfredo..I can go on an on).

3)Organizing my closet- I have not done a thing.  Have you ever had a goal that completely scared you?  This goal does that to me..puts complete fear in my heart.  Why? Because it is so unorganized I have no clue where to start.  Well, I still have a week and a half so there is still hope.

I am still completely unorganized.  My house is still a mess.  Flylady has helped me alot.  Most of the time when I go to bed the dishes are clean and the kitchen looks half way decent.  This is a big step for me.  But I have been so unorganized for so long that I have a loooong way to go.  Most of my days are filled with frustration because I can't find stuff because everything is everywhere.  I recently misplaced the key to my mom's storage locker.  In the process of searching for it (which I never found) I just got completely overwhelmed because I realized how much clutter and chaos is in my house.  Whenever I feel like giving up I tell myself just to focus on the things I have accomplished.  One great accomplishment since starting Flylady is my bathroom sink is less cluttered.    

How did your week go? I hope everyone made great steps towards reaching their goal.

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